Thinking of Getting Your Ears Pierced? Here’s All that You Should Know

Admired by the stylish ear piercings of Emma Stone, Chris Evans, and Zendaya, you too want to get in the trend and decorate your ears?

Great decision! But, before diving into the world of ear piercings, you must know everything like the types of ear piercings or a right studio, so that you treasure a safe and stylish experience. Check out this blog to know everything that can be helpful.

How to find the Right Piercing Studio?

Choosing a right piercing studio is important for a safe and pleasant piercing experience.A reliable studio is not only known for its services but also provides detailed explanations of aftercare guidelines. They offer certification too. Here is how you can find a one.

  1. Seek recommendations from friends or relatives regarding their experiences with piercers.

  2. Check online reviews and portfolios for additional insights.

  3. Visit the studio to assess cleanliness; a well-maintained, hygienic environment is essential for safe piercing procedures.

  4. Inquire about their sterilization process to ensure safety.

  5. Verify their certification and license to operate.

  6. Assess the types of piercing jewelry they offer.

What are the different Ear Piercings Options?

Different ear piercing options for different parts of your ear define your taste and style. If you already have one, you can explore new options to further enhance your look.

  1. Helix Piercing

    A helix piercing refers to any piercing on the upper part of the ear, specifically in the outer cartilage. It's among the most popular piercings and includes variations such as the forward helix, anti-helix (or snug) piercing, distinguished by their locations. Additionally, when two or three piercings are placed one under the other in this area, they are referred to as double or triple helix piercings. Here are the other things that you should know:

    Healing Time: 6 to 8 months
    Aftercare: Gentle cleaning with saline solution, twice a day

  2. Conch Piercing

    Resembling the shape of a conch sea shell, this piercing takes it seat in the center of the ear. Inner conch Piercing or outer conch piercing are the options available. Here are the other things that you should know:

    Healing Time: 6 to 9 months
    Aftercare: Gentle cleaning twice a day till healing. Don’t wear earphones over new piercings.

  3. Rook Piercing

    Rook piercing will occupy its place in the cartilage fold beneath the top rim of the ear, just above the daith, near the anti-helix area.

    Healing Time: 12 to 18 months
    Aftercare: Gentle cleaning twice or thrice a day is necessary till it heals. Sleeping on the piercing side should be avoided for few days.

  4. Daith Piercing

    Daith piercing adorns your innermost and smallest part of the cartilage near the tragus. It is located just above the ear canal.

    Healing Time: 12 to 18 months
    Aftercare: Cleaning is little tough, but gentle cleaning twice or thrice a day is necessary.

  5. Tragus Piercing

    Small flap covering your ear canal can be adorned by tragus piercing. This minimal, classy and chic piercing is for style lovers.

    Healing Time: 3 to 12 months
    Aftercare: Clean twice a day and avoid swimming

  6. High Lobe Piercing

    One that adorns your upper part of the lobe is high lobe piercing. One of the trendiest hole for your ears.

    Healing Time: 2 to 3 months
    Aftercare: Don’t touch, just spray the saline solution.

What Kind of Earrings can you wear on your New Piercings?

What ear piece you can choose for your new piercings will entirely depend on the type of your piercing. Here is what you can choose:

  1. Helix Piercing: Small huggie hoops or Studs

  2. Conch Piercing: Studs or Hoops can look best.

  3. Rook Piercing: Cartilage hoop or curved barbell

  4. Daith Piercing: Hoops

  5. Tragus Piercing: Studs or Huggie hoops

  6. High Lobe Piercing: Studs, hoops, and rings

How Much does it hurt?

Ear piercing is least painful, because it doesn’t contain many nerves and is fleshy. While getting your ears pierced you may experience two different types of pains like, the initial pain for few seconds, which comes from the piercing itself. The subsequent pain is that which continues till healing. Although level of pain can vary from person to person, according to their tolerance and sensitivity. This is the reason measuring pain is although difficult. But we can compare it based on what people say and what we generally see to get an idea of how much discomfort one might feel.

Pain scale with values ranging from 1 to 10, can help in understanding level of pain. Check out level of pain in different types of earrings.

  • Pain level in Helix Piercing: Four to seven on the pain scale

  • Pain Level in Conch Piercing: Ranks five out of ten on pain scale

  • Rook Piercing: Ranks Eight out of ten on pain scale

  • Pain Level Daith Piercing: Ranks Eight out of ten on pain scale

  • Pain Level Tragus Piercing: Five out of ten on pain scale

  • Pain Level High Lobe Piercing: Ranks four out of ten on pain scale

What you Should choose : A Gun or a Needle?

The quick answer to above question is piercing needle, because they are less painful, more accurate, more clean and a number of other reasons. Other advantages of using needles is that there is no risk of someone else’s bodily fluids in needles, as they are meant to be thrown after one use. Needle piercing is a quick process, as the needle is extremely sharp and hollow, that pushes the tissue asides to make a new piercing hole. Dirt and bacteria can be easily removed in case of piercing needles. Healing complications are less in case of needle piercings. Piercing guns on the other side are comparatively less expensive, but are loud and can cause allergy and infection.

How to Take Care of your New Piercings?

For a successful piercing experience, a good aftercare of your new piercing is necessary. A good piercer will undoubtedly guide you with all the do’s and don’t s. It’s important to follow these instructions diligently to prevent infections and promote healing.

Here are a few instructions to keep in mind, while your piercings are healing:

  • Avoid touching frequently, don’t touch with dirty hands.

  • Clean your piercings front and back at least two to three times in a day. Gentle dabbing with a piece of saline-soaked gauge or spraying saline solution can be followed for effective cleaning.
    Make sure your hands are free of bacteria, before you start cleaning process.

  • A clean towel or tissue should be used for drying the piercing.

  • Skin around the piercing should be cleansed with an antiseptic soap.

  • Whenever taking the jewel piece out, clean the pierce area, as well as the jewel piece before putting back, as it can get contaminated with bacteria.

  • Never clean your piercings in washroom, as chances of contamination are high here.

  • Swimming in pools, hot tubs or lakes should be avoided till piercings don’t heal.

  • Ensure your pillowcases are fresh and made of smooth fabric to prevent your piercings from getting caught.

  • Risk of infection increases if you lie down on your new piercing for longer time, so keep a check that you change your sleeping postures.

  • Body products like lotions, sprays, hair shampoo can irritate the tissue near the piercing area, so be careful while applying them.

  • Don’t remove your jewelry from piercing, until the healing time is over. Usually 6 to 8 weeks are sufficient.

  • In case of any abnormal or discolored discharge contact experts, as it can grow to a severe wound.

  • Keep a check that you follow the cleaning and drying process daily.

What types of Risks are involved?

Like any other piercing, there are some potential risks related to ear piercing too. Like:

Infection: Infection is the result of bacteria getting into the open wound. This is noticed in the form of swelling, discharge or pus, redness or discoloration, pain, etc.

Allergic reaction: Some metals like nickel, present in the jewelry can cause allergy. Itching and redness are resulted due these allergic reactions. Some metals like nickel, present in the jewelry can cause allergy. Itching and redness are resulted due these allergic reactions.

Blood borne disease: Blood borne diseases hepatitis B, hepatitis C, or HIV are resulted, if unsterilized ear piercing equipment (containing micro-organisms) are used.

Keloids : Keloids can be seen in the form of raised scars at the site of ear piercing.

Migration and rejection: In some cases migration or rejection is observed in ear piercings, when the body perceives piercing as a foreign object. and tries to push it out.

Pain and swelling: Pain and swelling is common in case of all types of piercings. In case of excessive pains, there might be some complication.

Tearing or trauma: If during the period of healing, your new piercings jewelry is caught in clothing or bedding, then it can cause tearing.

Can anyone get their ears pierced?

Although ear piercing is safe, but still it is not for everyone. So, if you are planning to get your ear pierced, you need to consider certain factors like age, certain health conditions and other risks. Let’s check in detail:

Age: Minimum sixteen years of age is necessary for ear piercings. A valid identification proof is required as some piercing studios require a guardian to be present as they may have age restrictions. To pierce your baby’s ear you should consult your pediatrician, but not before three months.

Heath conditions: In following conditions, you need to consult like : if you are pregnant, if you are suffering from any bleeding disorder like hemophilia, you are diabetic or have any autoimmune disease.

How many piercings you can opt at once?

Although there is no limit on number of piercings that one can be done at once. But, most of the reputable piercer’s would advice for 3 to 4 piercings, not more. It depends on individual pain tolerance and body’s healing capacities. Other factors that should be taken into account are proximity of piercings, their placement, and overall health. Proper understanding of aftercare is necessary for pleasant piecing experience. At least 1/8 inch (3mm) distance should be maintained between the two new piercings.

Wrapping Up:

Ear piercing is quite trending, as it offers you a chance to express your unique identity. So, if you are planning for a new piercing you must choose a certified and licensed piercing studio for an enjoyable experience.Whatever ear piercing option you consider like helix, conch, rook, daith, tragus, and high lobe piercings, ensure you properly check their varying healing times and aftercare needs. Good aftercare is crucial for preventing infections and allergies. Piercing jewelry such as hoops and studs can beautifully adorn ears. Consultation with professionals is advised, especially considering age and health conditions. While there's no set limit on the number of piercings one can get at once, most reputable piercers recommend limiting to 3 or 4, considering pain tolerance, healing capacity, and aftercare requirements.

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